What is Crystal?
Crystal is the app that tells you anyone’s personality.
Get StartedPersonality Traits
5: The Thinker
As a Type Five, Jonathan tends to be curious, independent, and observant. Jonathan generally loves to pursue knowledge and seeks a deeper understanding of the world.
16-Personality Types
based on types by Jung, Myers, & BriggsINTJ
As an INTJ, Jonathan tends to be confident, analytical, and ambitious. Jonathan is likely an independent thinker focused on solving the world’s problems.
Love of Learning
Jonathan finds ways to deepen his knowledge and experiences; he looks regularly for new opportunities to learn; he is passionate about building knowledge.
Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence
Jonathan notices the beauty and excellence around him; he is often awe-struck by beauty, greatness, and/or the moral goodness he witnesses; he is often filled with wonder.
Jonathan is viewed as a creative person; he sees, does, and/or creates things that are of use; he thinks of unique ways to solve problems and be productive.
Jonathan is playful; he loves to make people smile and laugh; his sense of humor helps him connect closely to others; he brightens gloomy situations with fun and/or jokes.
Spirituality/Sense of Meaning
Jonathan holds a set of beliefs, whether religious or not, about how his life is part of something bigger and more meaningful; those beliefs shape his behavior and provide a sense of comfort, understanding, and purpose.
Concern for The Environment
It is important to him to protect and preserve the environment.
It is important to him to have new ideas or to create new things.
It is important to him to be dependable and trustworthy.
It is important to him to have time alone.
Scientific Understanding
It is important to him to use scientific principles to understand and solve problems.