Crystal Customer Story

PT Services Increases the Success of Introductory Sales Meetings by 17%

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Customer Profile

  • Industry: B2B appointment setting service
  • Expertise: Connecting their clients with prospects in finance, insurance, and MSP
  • Desired Outcome: Facilitating high-quality meetings that result in business for their clients

Crystal Knows' Impact

  • 17% increase in securing the second meeting for clients
  • Personality insights provide strategic value and added benefits to clients
  • Reduction in customer churn and increase in client satisfaction

Driving Innovation in B2B Appointment Setting

With over three decades of experience, The PT Services Group has earned a reputation as the go-to experts for B2B appointment setting. They specialize in connecting businesses in the financial, insurance, and managed service provider (MPS) industries with high-quality prospects.

Their commitment to staying ahead of the curve and providing value for their clients led to a crucial realization: in today's competitive landscape, simply getting a foot in the door isn't enough to drive lasting success.

We interviewed John Pojeta, Vice President of Business Development at PT Services Group, on how his team uses Crystal’s personality data and the benefits they’ve gained from it.

The Challenge

Turning First Meetings into New Business

PT Services excelled at helping their clients reach new prospects. However, many clients, unfamiliar with handling cold introductions, found it challenging to connect with prospects who weren’t referrals.

Although the initial introductions facilitated by PT Services showed promise, establishing quick rapport with unfamiliar prospects and steering the conversation toward a follow-up meeting proved difficult.

The challenge was clear: PT Services needed to equip their clients to make the most of those first meetings and turn initial introductions into client relationships.

The Solution

Enter Crystal Knows: Personality Data for Successful Sales Meetings

PT Services recognized a need for a solution that would help their clients approach cold introductions. That's where Crystal Knows came in. 

Crystal’s personality data platform provided valuable insights into a prospect’s communication style and preferences, empowering their clients to truly personalize interactions with prospects. 

Armed with deeper insights into each prospect, PT Services' clients could personalize their sales approach and build genuine connections more quickly.

"Crystal gave us an edge. It helped our clients move away from just focusing on the details and data gathering. Now they can orient a conversation, have a more human-to-human interaction based on the personality in front of them"

This shift toward human-centered conversations proved invaluable, enabling PT Services' clients to build trust and secure business with cold leads that had previously been challenging. This positioned PT Services as a trusted partner, genuinely invested in their clients' success.

The Results

A 17% Increase in Prospects taking a Second Meeting

Within just 13 months of implementing the platform, PT Services saw a substantial 17% increase in their clients securing second appointments – sometimes before the first meeting was even over! 

But this wasn't just about booking more meetings. It was a new approach to selling.

"Our clients have taken it to heart where if they know they're walking in with a high D personality out of the gate, they'll take a 30 minute meeting down to 15, start to set a tone and an understanding of I know who you are."

Armed with Crystal's insights, PT Services Group’s clients walked into meetings with a newfound sense of confidence and preparedness. This translated into more engaging conversations, a greater ability to build rapport, and naturally, more closed deals. And because those deals came faster, everyone enjoyed a quicker return on their investment. Happier clients, more successful outcomes – it was a win-win all around!

Ready to unlock the power of personality
in your sales process?

Contact the Crystal Knows team today for a free demo and learn how personality AI can revolutionize your approach to client communication.