DISC Id Personality Type: The Influencer Profile Assessment

The DISC Influencer profile

16 Personalities
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DISC Type Id

People with the DISC assessment Id (Influencer) personality type tend to be energetic and adventurous, communicating with casual language, bold statements, and a focus on the big picture. They are likely to have an easy, relaxed, casual manner when speaking or interacting with others and enjoy the challenge of meeting new people.

The Influencer personality type traits

With a position on the upper top right of the DISC model map, Influencers are typically known for their social skills, creativity, and charisma. They can clearly and vividly appeal to others using an emotionally expressive and demonstrative style, often able to convince them to take action.

DISC Type Id

In summary, DISC type Id personality traits include...

  • Enjoy the challenge of meeting new people.
  • Approach people and situations in an energetic, lively manner.
  • Engage others with stories.
  • Use charisma to bring people together, build rapport, and share ideas.
  • Discuss high-level ideas and future possibilities.

Every personality archetype has strengths and blind spots, and these are often amplified in professional settings where we often encounter a diverse group of people with vastly different backgrounds and value systems.

DISC Id style personality strengths

DISC Id Strengths
  • Trusting intuition and ability to improvise.
  • Using positive, enthusiastic verbalization when motivating others.
  • Quickly spotting new opportunities for advancement.
  • Solving problems by involving others in brainstorming and open discussion.
  • Delegating responsibility for detailed tasks.
  • Bringing energy and a sense of adventure to a team.
  • Placing a high priority on personal interactions and relationships.
  • Creating novel solutions to challenging problems.

DISC Id personality weaknesses

DISC Id Weaknesses
  • Struggling to follow predictable routines.
  • Failing to evaluate problems realistically due to overly optimistic expectations.
  • Pursuing too many new ideas at once.
  • Winning people over, even when they have a more logical argument.
  • Trying to control all of the results.
  • Stepping too far out of the details of important projects.
  • Creating an environment that is too flexible for people who need a structured approach to work.
  • Having the inability to limit time spent interacting with people.

DISC Type Id personality growth opportunities

DISC Id Growth
  • Hold yourself accountable to only meeting with others or continuing conversations for a certain amount of time by setting a reminder on your phone or computer.
  • Make an effort to really hear and consider other people’s suggestions and ideas.
  • Avoid being overly optimistic by involving someone who is more realistic when making major decisions.
  • Try to follow a more consistent routine when working closely with others.

Type Id Relationships (Romantic)

Influencers can be relaxed, positive partners. It is key for them to learn how to be more consistent and committed when in a relationship with a more reserved, loyal personality.

DISC Id Romantic Strengths

Id relationship strengths

  • Natural passion for spending time with others
  • Attention and connection to their own emotions
  • Desire to discuss problems and find a solution
DISC Id Romantic Weaknesses

Id relationship weaknesses

  • Being immediately, completely committed
  • Planning ahead with their partner
  • Patiently investing in a slow-building relationship

What personality styles are compatible with DISC profile Id?

Id personality types are most compatible with personalities that complement their adventurous and innovative nature, such as S, Sc, or Cs types.

Other Personalities related to DISC Id

Below are the Enneagram and 16-Personality types that are similar to DISC Type Id. 

Enneagram Type 3 or 7

16-Personality ESTP, ENTP, ENFP, ENFJ

You can find your DISC, Enneagram, and 16-Personality types by taking Crystal's free personality test.

DISC Id personality type careers & work

Influencers tend to thrive in environments where they can regularly meet new people and motivate their coworkers with creative ideas. When working alongside those who are more cautious and reserved, Influencers can offer creative thinking and new, innovative solutions. When working with another I-type, it is important for them to hold each other accountable to regularly making measurable progress.

DISC Id Working With

Tend to work well with others who...

  • Listen to and value their ideas
  • Take the time to get to know them
  • Maintain a positive mindset
DISC Id Obstacles

May hit obstacles in professional relationships when they...

  • Fail to honor a consistent structure or routine important to a workplace
  • Move on from a project before it’s finished
  • Overwhelm others with their energy and surplus of ideas
DISC Id Motivations

Feel energized at work when...

  • They are asked to be in charge of a brainstorming session.
  • Their boss encourages them to share their ideas.
  • Their peers are open-minded and optimistic.
  • Their direct reports are able to make independent, creative decisions.
DISC Id Meeting

Feel drained at work when...

  • They have to follow a strict daily routine.
  • Their boss expects them to have a perfect track record of excellent results.
  • Their peers spend too much time discussing the risks and benefits of a choice.
  • Their direct reports need specific scheduling and thorough explanation

Influencers thrive in work environments where they can explore new things, engage with others, and learn through open discussion and brainstorming. They are well-suited to lead group conversations and describe a vision for other people to follow, and they are likely to feel stressed by an environment that has lots of rules and structure.

DISC Id Common Jobs

Commonly the best Id DISC profile job roles

The best jobs for Id personality types are those that allow them freedom from routine and the ability to collaborate creatively with others.

  • Chief Marketing Officer
  • Marketing Manager
  • Marketing Director
  • Sales Representative
  • Recruiter
  • Director of Talent Acquisition
  • Founder
  • Entrepreneur
  • Public Relations Director
  • Public Relations Manager
DISC Id Communicating With


Use a casual, but assertive tone and describe things with enthusiasm and colorful language.
DISC Id Communicating With


Meetings should be in-person when possible, without a specific agenda.
DISC Id Emailing

Email communication tips

Emails should be casual, brief, and include high-level information.
DISC Id Feedback


Feedback should be focused on the high level and delivered with encouragement.
DISC Id Resolving Conflict

Resolving conflict

Conflict should be productive and worthwhile; focus on talking through problems in order to find a creative solution.

When people experience pain, stress, or dissatisfaction, it can usually be attributed to energy-draining activities. Therefore, it’s important to know what kinds of activities energize each personality type and what activities drain them.


DISC Id Motivations
  • Finding new opportunities without much guidance.
  • Regularly interacting with a large, diverse group of people.
  • Fostering new relationships and convincing others.
  • Exploring multiple ideas at once.
  • Assigning analytical tasks to other people.
  • Thinking on their feet and figuring things out as they go.
  • Participating in group discussions and brainstorming sessions.
  • Taking the time to understand how someone else thinks.
  • Providing verbal encouragement and telling stories.


DISC Id Draining
  • Considering all aspects of a key decision.
  • Following procedures and routines.
  • Taking time to think through a problem before making a final decision.
  • Inspecting and maintaining high-quality results.
  • Spending a lot of time researching the root causes of a problem.
  • Frequently asking factual, clarifying questions.
  • Providing clear, step-by-step instructions.
  • Communicating primarily in writing.
  • Minimizing risk with structure, redundancy, and analysis.

DISC Type Id Personality Slide Show

Click through the slides below to learn more about Id types:

Or watch the video:

Are you a DISC Type Id? Take the DISC Assessment to see.

Select the word that most describes you and the word that least describes you. Once you complete the DISC assessment below, you'll be able to see your DISC type.

I am...
free from disturbance; tranquil
of or according to the rules of logic or formal argument
having or showing a confident and forceful personality
showing strong feelings or a strong belief