People with the DISC assessment IS personality type tend to be warm, even-tempered, accepting. Since they tend to be positive and joyful, Harmonizers are likely to seek lots of social interaction and affirmation.
The Harmonizer personality type traits
With a position on the far right of the DISC model map, Harmonizers are likely to approach the world with an open, trusting, and inviting attitude but also may shy away from interpersonal conflict in tough situations. It is likely very easy for them to give others the feeling of being understood and accepted for who they are, but also easy for them to be accommodating rather than assertive.
In summary, DISC type IS personality traits include...
Adapt to situations as they are.
Foster an environment that gives others a sense of belonging.
Get pleasure from spending time with others.
Adjust easily to a wide range of styles.
Avoid initiating conflict with others.
Every personality archetype has strengths and blind spots, and these are often amplified in professional settings where we often encounter a diverse group of people with vastly different backgrounds and value systems.
DISC IS style personality strengths
Measuring the capabilities of others in an optimistic way.
Communicating in an informal manner, mixing personal talk with business discussions.
Frequently communicating to keep others informed.
Approaching problem-solving from a personal or emotional angle.
Being friendly and welcoming with coworkers.
Involving people in discussions of how things will be done.
Considering the impact on other people when making decisions.
Getting guidance from others when trying to overcome challenges.
DISC IS personality weaknesses
Too easily giving into people who are argumentative.
Putting off decisions that may negatively impact someone.
Becoming too close with others and then being unable to judge them objectively.
Being unrealistically optimistic when considering big problems.
Avoiding decisions that potentially involve losing approval or looking bad.
Displaying discomfort when communicating with hostile or aggressive people.
Minimizing negative feedback, leaving others unclear about the problem.
Correcting or redoing work rather than confronting someone who becomes hostile.
DISC Type IS personality growth opportunities
Make a list of the positive results that can come from a decision that may also negatively affect someone else. Sometimes, difficult decisions are necessary and beneficial, overall.
Hold your ground when communicating with an aggressive person; ask for help from others, when needed.
Though it may be difficult, practice delivering feedback in a clear, direct way. You might be surprised by positive responses.
Understand that some decisions may be unpopular, but are ultimately necessary for the growth of everyone involved.
Harmonizers can be eager, adaptable partners. When in a relationship with another steady personality, it is important that they find a way to hold one another accountable to their actions and responsibilities.
IS relationship strengths
Ability to see things from their partner’s point of view
Making an effort to know their partner deeply
Adjusting to new or unexpected situations
IS relationship weaknesses
Addressing tense or stressful problems
Giving their partner plenty of space
Using logic to work through issues
What personality styles are compatible with DISC profile IS?
Because of their harmonious nature, IS personality types are compatible with nearly all other types, with a slight preference towards D, Cd, or other S type personalities.
Other Personalities related to DISC IS
Below are the Enneagram and 16-Personality types that are similar to DISC Type IS.
You can find your DISC, Enneagram, and 16-Personality types by taking Crystal'sfree personality test.
DISC IS personality type careers & work
Harmonizers tend to thrive in environments that allow them to build relationships with others through teamwork and collaboration. Harmonizers can help those who are more withdrawn and meticulous see the importance of connecting with others and pursuing new ideas. When working with another I-type, it is crucial for them to find a way to focus on the task at hand.
Tend to work well with others who...
Enjoy establishing personal connections
Approach problems with a positive mindset
Are open to pursuing new ideas
May hit obstacles in professional relationships when they...
Struggle to assertively lead a group, when necessary
Overwhelm or distract those trying to work independently
Avoid addressing a pressing issue for fear of causing conflict
Feel energized at work when...
They are asked to work closely with others to brainstorm ideas.
Their boss gives feedback sensitively and recognizes accomplishments.
Their peers frequently engage in small talk.
Their direct reports are cooperative and hard-working.
Feel drained at work when...
They need to interact in a formal, serious way.
Their boss requires them to follow strict procedures.
Their peers neglect to socialize with them.
Their direct reports frequently cause conflict.
Harmonizers thrive in positions where they can interact with lots of other people throughout the day and facilitate things. They are likely the most comfortable in peaceful, welcoming environments that are less competitive and more collaborative.
Commonly the best IS DISC profile job roles
The best jobs for IS personality types are supportive roles that allow them to constantly interact with other people.
Use lots of emotional expression and try to be very perceptive of how they are feeling in the moment, even if what they are saying is mostly positive.
Meetings should be done in-person in a relaxed setting.
Email communication tips
Emails should be friendly, casual, and personal.
Feedback should be thoroughly explained and delivered with encouragement.
Resolving conflict
Conflict should be approached with patience and thoughtfulness to avoid harming relationships.
When people experience pain, stress, or dissatisfaction, it can usually be attributed to energy-draining activities. Therefore, it’s important to know what kinds of activities energize each personality type and what activities drain them.
Collaborating with other people rather than working alone.
Mentoring and advising others on tough situations.
Making themselves available for the personal and emotional needs of other people.
Checking in frequently to make sure people are on the same page.
Using diplomacy and natural openness to solve problems.
Participating in group discussions and brainstorming sessions.
Articulating the human impact of an organizational decision.
Asking questions from more experienced colleagues to learn how to do something.
Directing others to follow rules and procedures.
Interacting with a reserved, business-like approach.
Monitoring and measuring results closely.
Finding ways to make processes more efficient.
Providing critical feedback to others about how they can improve their performance.
Correcting people and showing them how to do things the correct way.
Monitoring a timeline and ensuring a project follows a rigid process.
Navigating large, complex systems.
DISC Type IS Personality Slide Show
Click through the slides below to learn more about IS types:
Select the word that most describes you and the word that least describes you. Once you complete the DISC assessment below, you'll be able to see your DISC type.
I am...
free from disturbance; tranquil
of or according to the rules of logic or formal argument
having or showing a confident and forceful personality