People with the DISC assessment Is (Encourager) personality type tend to be warm, cheerful and light-hearted. Since they tend to be positive and joyful, Encouragers are likely to find a great deal to appreciate in others.
The Encourager personality type traits
With a position on the far top right of the DISC map, Encouragers have usually discovered that acceptance and approval from others can be won by means of their friendly behavior. Thus, they may feel most comfortable when engaging others in this way.
In summary, DISC type Is personality traits include...
Give others a sense of belonging and acceptance.
Enjoy interacting with others.
Have an outgoing and light-hearted approach, taking life as it comes.
Avoid criticism and confrontation.
Help others quickly feel comfortable in new groups.
Every personality archetype has strengths and blind spots, and these are often amplified in professional settings where we often encounter a diverse group of people with vastly different backgrounds and value systems.
DISC Is style personality strengths
Developing others by offering plenty of verbal encouragement.
Placing a high priority on personal interactions and relationships.
Motivating other people to take action, even if they are nervous.
Optimistically evaluating the capabilities of others.
Bringing positive energy and warmth to a team.
Communicating frequently and regularly.
Using casual, friendly language with colleagues.
Seeking the experience and ideas of others when solving problems.
DISC Is personality weaknesses
Relying too much on gut feelings when detailed planning is necessary.
Losing objectivity by becoming friendly and involved with others.
Failing to evaluate problems realistically due to optimistic expectations of people or situations.
Being overly focused on not losing approval or looking bad.
Avoiding important tasks because they are spending too much time with people.
Placating or appeasing people who are resisting or arguing.
Having trouble with consistent, steady routines that may not be stimulating enough.
Using a personal, emotional approach to problems that may get in the way of rational decision-making.
DISC Type Is personality growth opportunities
Make an effort to plan for more important tasks or decisions.
Avoid completely losing objectivity; if you feel you have, try to include someone who’s more objective when making important decisions.
Maintain realistic expectations by recognizing potential weaknesses or issues that may lead to significant problems.
Recognize when unpopular decisions are necessary for personal or team growth.
Encouragers can be attentive, caring partners. When in a relationship with another influential personality, it is crucial that they establish a plan for distributing responsibility.
Is relationship strengths
Frequently sharing verbal encouragement
Supporting their partner in personal endeavors
Maintaining open lines of communication
Is relationship weaknesses
Working through problems with a logical, balanced mindset
Setting long-term relationship goals
Communicating thoughts or feelings that may cause conflict
What personality styles are compatible with DISC profile Is?
Is personality types are most compatible with personalities that complement their spontaneous and friendly nature, such as Di, Cd, or Sc personality types.
Other Personalities related to DISC Is
Below are the Enneagram and 16-Personality types that are similar to DISC Type Is.
You can find your DISC, Enneagram, and 16-Personality types by taking Crystal'sfree personality test.
DISC Is personality type careers & work
Encouragers tend to thrive in environments that allow them to work closely with others and utilize their skills in diplomacy. Encouragers can help those who are more logical and analytical consider the importance of new ideas. When working with another I-type, it is important for them to find a way to finish the work and accomplish set goals.
Tend to work well with others who...
Spend time getting to know them
Help brainstorm new, exciting ideas
Share in fun events outside of work
May hit obstacles in professional relationships when they...
Neglect to ask important questions
Overcrowd those who’d prefer to work privately
Improperly use humor around more serious people
Feel energized at work when...
They are asked to get to know other coworkers.
Their boss is welcoming and encouraging of new ideas.
Their peers share an appreciation for their contributions.
Their direct reports are cooperative and hard-working.
Feel drained at work when...
They spend too much time alone.
Their boss pushes them to work on analytical, data-driven projects.
Their peers are very serious and focused solely on work.
Their direct reports are skeptical of their leadership.
Encouragers typically seek environments that are conducive to group cooperation, harmony, and positivity. They can thrive in roles where they need to create and foster new relationships, and they can bring a lot to the table when brainstorming new ideas.
Commonly the best Is DISC profile job roles
The best jobs for Is personality types are those that allow them to collaborate with and inspire others and share their creative ideas.
Use a friendly, agreeable tone with colorful language, expressive gestures, and personal anecdotes.
Meetings should be done in-person when possible, without a specific agenda.
Email communication tips
Emails should be approachable, friendly, and not too serious.
Feedback should be thoroughly explained and delivered in a positive manner.
Resolving conflict
Conflict should be focused on finding new solutions and approached with caution to avoid harming relationships.
When people experience pain, stress, or dissatisfaction, it can usually be attributed to energy-draining activities. Therefore, it’s important to know what kinds of activities energize each personality type and what activities drain them.
Collaborating regularly alongside other people instead of working in isolation.
Going on new adventures and pursuing abstract opportunities.
Understanding and explaining the human impact of a big organizational decision.
Using expressive, emotional anecdotes to make a story interesting.
Providing verbal encouragement and telling stories.
Teaching, coaching, and advising other people.
Discussing matters as a group and brainstorming with others.
Jumping between many ideas simultaneously.
Setting guidelines and clear rules for others.
Developing more efficient processes.
Taking primary ownership over timelines.
Spending a lot of time to research the root causes of a problem.
When directing others, focusing on what needs to be done, by whom and when.
Solving problems with thorough analysis of the existing data.
Doing independent work and reporting on the results.
Navigating large, complex systems.
DISC Type Is Personality Slide Show
Click through the slides below to learn more about Is types:
Select the word that most describes you and the word that least describes you. Once you complete the DISC assessment below, you'll be able to see your DISC type.
I am...
free from disturbance; tranquil
of or according to the rules of logic or formal argument
having or showing a confident and forceful personality