People with the DISC assessment S personality type tend to be calm, patient and respectful in their interactions with others. Rarely angered or excited, they are likely to work to maintain a peaceful and harmonious environment.
The Supporter personality type traits
With a position on the lower right of the DISC Map, Supporters are likely to demonstrate conscientiousness through listening patiently when responding to the needs and requests of others. Respectfully considering the thoughts and feelings of others, they are likely able to respond empathetically in difficult or stressful situations.
In summary, DISC type S personality traits include...
Listen patiently to the needs and requests of others.
Work considerately and cooperatively with others.
Be uncomfortable around aggressive or hostile people.
Avoid overly competitive situations.
Take direction from a leader they trust.
Every personality archetype has strengths and blind spots, and these are often amplified in professional settings where we often encounter a diverse group of people with vastly different backgrounds and value systems.
DISC S style personality strengths
Following up by checking back on a regular basis and being available to help.
Responding to questions with patience and understanding.
Asking for feedback at regular intervals.
Being attentive to the needs and concerns of other people.
DISC S personality weaknesses
Not being direct when communicating negative information.
Being too passive when assertiveness is necessary.
Avoiding confrontation and not giving feedback to others who may need it.
Making an effort to directly share feedback with others when there’s an issue that needs to be addressed.
Practicing empathetic communication during times of conflict, remembering that problems cannot be resolved without a mutual understanding of the issue.
Learning to take charge of situations, when necessary; and making sure people know they're in charge by intentionally asserting themselves in the decision making process.
Trying to make a plan on how they can adapt when a change occurs unexpectedly.
Supporters can be sincere, helpful partners. When in a relationship with another steady personality, they should make a conscious effort to recognize and work through disagreements.
S relationship strengths
Being attentive to their partner’s needs.
Working to establish deep personal connections.
Maintaining a patient, encouraging attitude.
S relationship weaknesses
Sharing their complete, honest opinion, if contradictory to their partner’s.
Directly communicating their own needs.
Not taking feedback or judgement personally.
What personality styles are compatible with DISC profile S?
Because of their easy-going and peaceful nature, S types are compatible with most personalities, with a slight preference towards DI, Di, or Si personality types.
Other Personalities related to DISC S
Below are the Enneagram and 16-Personality types that are similar to DISC Type S.
You can find your DISC, Enneagram, and 16-Personality types by taking Crystal'sfree personality test.
DISC S personality type careers & work
Supporters tend to thrive in predictable, calm, collaborative environments. They enjoy consistent, stable work that involves engaging with others. Supporters can help more analytical, reserved people understand the importance of communicating effectively with others and building strong, working relationships. When working with another S-type, it is important that they openly communicate problems so they can effectively work toward a solution.
Tend to work well with others who...
Take the time to get to know them.
Have a warm and welcoming demeanor.
Avoid being overly critical or nit-picky.
May hit obstacles in professional relationships when they...
Allow small problems to grow before addressing them.
Neglect to give important feedback to others.
Take constructive criticism too personally.
Feel energized at work when...
They are asked to help others with projects.
Their boss builds a relationship with them over time.
Their peers verbally appreciate the contributions they make to the team.
Their direct reports value their guidance.
Feel drained at work when...
They feel like they have nothing to offer the group.
Their boss is ungrateful for the work they do.
Their peers reject their help.
Their direct reports prioritize working efficiently and autonomously.
Supporters thrive in positions where they are able to attend to the needs of others, build long-term trust, and have lots of daily interaction. They work most effectively when they can make plans for the future and stick to their routine most of the time.
Commonly the best S DISC profile job roles
The best jobs for S personalities are roles that allow them to work in a routine, and interact with other people on a regular basis.
Use a calm, agreeable, warm tone and be very considerate of their feelings, asking questions to understand where they may have concerns or thoughts.
Meetings should have a prepared agenda and be done in person or through a video call.
Email communication tips
Emails should be warm, sincere, and expressive. They should provide clear information, while allowing for casual conversation.
Feedback should be thoughtfully explained and delivered with empathy.
Resolving conflict
Conflict should be handled with caution and level headedness to prevent it from escalating and leaving long-term impacts on the relationship.
When people experience pain, stress, or dissatisfaction, it can usually be attributed to energy-draining activities. Therefore, it’s important to know what kinds of activities energize each personality type and what activities drain them.
Asking for feedback regularly.
Playing a supporting role on the team and staying out of the spotlight.
Responding to difficult situations with empathy and compassion.
Promoting teamwork and cooperation between parties.
Listening to questions from other people and responding thoughtfully.
Frequently working on a tight deadline.
Making decisions on behalf of other people without much group input.
Assigning tasks with major goals, rather than detailed instruction.
Engaging in competition with others.
Being in the spotlight or the center of attention.
DISC Type S Personality Slide Show
Click through the slides below to learn more about S types:
Select the word that most describes you and the word that least describes you. Once you complete the DISC assessment below, you'll be able to see your DISC type.
I am...
free from disturbance; tranquil
of or according to the rules of logic or formal argument
having or showing a confident and forceful personality