People with the Sc (Planner) personality type tend to be easy-going and fairly even-keeled in their temperament. They often provide predictability and consistency in their interactions and seek the same thing in return.
The Planner personality type traits
With a position on the lower bottom right of the DISC model map, Planners may be more detail-oriented than most people, and be very comfortable letting others direct conversations. They may hesitate to be assertive with their desires at times, in order to maintain a peaceful environment and avoid interpersonal conflict.
In summary, DISC type Sc personality traits include...
Work cooperatively with others.
Follow trusted leaders.
Be humble, unassuming, and reluctant to talk about their accomplishments.
Accommodate the requests others rather than risk conflict.
Seek predictability and consistency.
Every personality archetype has strengths and blind spots, and these are often amplified in professional settings where we often encounter a diverse group of people with vastly different backgrounds and value systems.
DISC Sc style personality strengths
Approaching decision-making carefully.
Being highly organized and attentive to details.
Using low-risk solutions that have proven effective in the past.
Using a structured approach to developing others whenever possible.
DISC Sc personality weaknesses
Not bringing underlying conflict to the surface when necessary.
Delaying making decisions perceived as high-risk.
Hesitating to try solutions that have not been tested.
Spending too much time analyzing information before making a decision.
DISC Type Sc personality growth opportunities
Address important issues directly; if necessary, write out your perspective and give the other person a chance to read it, so that the issue is clearly addressed.
Set a way to measure results of new solutions so you can easily tell if they are working or not.
Recognize that delaying risky decisions doesn’t make them go away; but resolving them early-on, you will prevent a lot of unnecessary stress.
Set a designated time for big decisions; if you’re unable to come to a conclusion by then, seek advice from someone you trust.
Planners can be focused, careful partners. When in a relationship with another steady personality, they should make an effort to be more openly communicative of their own perspectives.
Sc relationship strengths
Listening attentively to their partner
Patiently building long-term trust
Considering their partner’s feelings when making a decision
Sc relationship weaknesses
Addressing underlying conflict in a timely manner
Clearly conveying negative feelings
Trusting a new partner quickly
What personality styles are compatible with DISC profile Sc?
Sc personality types are most compatible with personalities that complement their easy-going and predictable personality, such as Id, S, or IS types.
Other Personalities related to DISC Sc
Below are the Enneagram and 16-Personality types that are similar to DISC Type Sc.
You can find your DISC, Enneagram, and 16-Personality types by taking Crystal'sfree personality test.
DISC Sc personality type careers & work
Planners tend to thrive in routine-oriented, consistent environments. They love work that allows them to think through decisions, consider others, and organize information effectively. Planners can help more fast-paced, impulsive people consider others and make more well-thought-out decisions. When working with another S-type, they should openly address any issues they have to find an effective, mutually beneficial solution.
Tend to work well with others who...
Show gratitude for their contributions to the workplace
Take the initiative to ask them about themselves
Play a stable and consistent role within the team
May hit obstacles in professional relationships when they...
Feel unacknowledged or unappreciated
Dismiss others’ new ideas too quickly
Feel pushed to reveal too much personal information
Feel energized at work when...
They are asked to organize an event for the team.
Their boss shows appreciation for their help.
Their peers trust them enough to share personal information.
Their direct reports appreciate helpful feedback.
Feel drained at work when...
They have to work in disorder and chaos.
Their boss doesn’t know them personally.
Their peers don’t attend their organized events.
Their direct reports blatantly question their guidance.
Planners can be most effective in detecting risks and potential consequences of a decision, creating schedules of others, and providing supporting information. They are usually adept at managing change in a smooth, diplomatic way, making sure everyone is on the same page.
Commonly the best Sc DISC profile job roles
The best jobs for Sc personality types are roles that require them to use their eye for detail and ability to organize information or plans.
Discuss important issues in person, ask lots of questions, and leave lots of time to fully understand what they are feeling.
Meetings should be done in person when possible, with a specific agenda.
Email communication tips
Emails should be warm, sincere, and well-formatted.
Feedback should be thoroughly detailed and delivered with recommendations.
Resolving conflict
Conflict should be handled with caution and tact, as Planners prefer to ease into difficult conversations, rather than rush them.
When people experience pain, stress, or dissatisfaction, it can usually be attributed to energy-draining activities. Therefore, it’s important to know what kinds of activities energize each personality type and what activities drain them.
Receiving consistent feedback.
Establishing consistent daily routines.
Organizing and clarifying information for other people.
Presenting and analyzing all aspects of an important decision.
Presenting ideas and strategies to groups of people.
Directing and pushing others to improve their performance.
Looking for new opportunities without any guidance.
Bouncing between multiple ideas at once.
Thinking on their feet and figuring things out as they go.
DISC Type Sc Personality Slide Show
Click through the slides below to learn more about Sc types:
Select the word that most describes you and the word that least describes you. Once you complete the DISC assessment below, you'll be able to see your DISC type.
I am...
free from disturbance; tranquil
of or according to the rules of logic or formal argument
having or showing a confident and forceful personality