
Learn about 16-Personality types and relationships

16 Personalities
Big Five
Free Personality Test


What is an INTP Personality Type
(The Thinker)?
People with an INTP personality type tend to be extremely analytical, objective, and logical in their behavior. They love exploring new theories and ideas, which means they’re often responsible for amazing discoveries in their field of choice. They are likely to approach interactions with others in a logical way, rather than relying on emotion.


What is an ESTP Personality Type
(The Explorer)?
People with an ESTP personality type tend to be exciting, energetic, and bold in their behavior. They are usually the life of the party and make decisions quickly. They love crowds and adventure, typically choosing to fix their mistakes as they go.


Myers-Briggs INTP & ESTP Communication

How can INTP and ESTP types communicate effectively with each other?

INTPs and ESTPs are both Thinking and Perceiving personalities, meaning that they usually dislike strict schedules and tend to prefer expressing themselves logically. Their commonalities should be embraced, as they make communication and understanding a bit easier. There are, however, a couple of differences to take into account.

INTPs need more personal space; ESTPs should recognize when to take a step back when in a conversation and allow INTPs time to process and recharge.

ESTPs prefer to focus on the specific details of a situation; INTPs should learn to appreciate this attention to detail. Though it may be different from INTPs’ own need to see the bigger picture, understanding the benefit of attentiveness will prevent unnecessary frustration.

Resolving Conflict

Myers-Briggs INTP & ESTP Conflict

How can INTP and ESTP types resolve conflict?

Communication should be logical and expressive; both INTPs and ESTPs should be open and honest about their own perspectives.

INTPs should consider the details of a situation of conflict; though it may be difficult for them, it exemplifies an effort to understand and compromise with ESTPs.

ESTPs should be aware of INTPs’ need for personal space; confronting them in public is not likely to go over well. Instead, ESTPs should address conflict in a more private setting.

Building Trust

Myers-Briggs INTP & ESTP Trust

How can INTP and ESTP types build trust?

INTPs need to feel accepted as creative thinkers; they are more likely to trust ESTPs who give them space to process and work alone.

ESTPs are likely to trust INTPs who can be straightforward and live in the present.

Working Together

Myers-Briggs INTP & ESTP Working Together

How can INTP and ESTP types work together?

INTPs provide deep though and creativity, while ESTPs bring openness and energy to the workplace. INTPs can help ESTPs see multiple possibilities when making a decision by encouraging them to focus on the bigger picture, rather than the details. ESTPs can help INTPs share their creative ideas with others, which they might otherwise be too uncomfortable to do.

Dealing with Change

Myers-Briggs INTP & ESTP Change

How can INTP and ESTP types deal with change?

Because both INTP and ESTP personalities are Perceiving, they adapt more easily to change. Their “go-with-the-flow” attitude makes it easy for them to adjust to new situations. As long as any communication difficulties and conflicts are sorted out, they will easily manage.

Managing Stress

INTP and ESTP types need to seek to understand what brings stress to the other type and should try to avoid causing it when possible.

Myers-Briggs INTP & ESTP Managing Stress

INTP types are easily stressed by...

  • Focusing on the present
  • Time spent in large groups of people
  • Feeling forced into strict routines
  • Needing to be emotionally vulnerable
Myers-Briggs INTP & ESTP Managing Stress

ESTP types are easily stressed by...

  • Rigid and inflexible routine
  • Feeling controlled and contained
  • Spending too much time alone
  • Thinking about the future

INTPs should avoid focusing too much on the future, which can easily stress ESTPs; instead, they should be considerate of the present, as well.

ESTPs should avoid overcrowding INTPs; give them space and allow them to work on their own.

Encouraging and Motivating

INTP and ESTP types can encourage and motivate each other in their personal and professional lives.

Myers-Briggs INTP & ESTP Motivations

INTP types are motivated by...

  • Using their strength of intuition
  • Achieving and maintaining positive results
  • Considering many possibilities when making a decision
  • Working independently from others
Myers-Briggs INTP & ESTP Motivations

ESTP types are motivated by...

  • Freedom to go with the flow
  • Logical and practical thinking
  • Meeting and getting to know new people
  • Experiencing new and exciting adventures

INTPs can encourage ESTPs by spending quality time with them.

ESTPs can motivate INTPs by appreciating their positive results and encouraging them to dream big.

16-Personality Test

Complete the 16-Personality test below to find your 16-Personality type.

Select the circle closest to the statement that is most like you.
Makes lists
Relies on memory