People with an ENTP personality type tend to be expressive, curious, and spontaneous in their behavior. They enjoy debating and thinking about issues from different perspectives. They thrive around people and will almost always engage with those near them.
What is an ESFP Personality Type
(The Entertainer)?
People with an ESFP personality type tend to be friendly, opportunistic, and supportive in their behavior. They usually go with the flow of things. They love parties and are often the center of attention.
How can ENTP and ESFP types communicate effectively with each other?
ENTPs and ESFPs are both Extroverted, Perceiving personalities, meaning they tend to enjoy being around others and pursuing new experiences. ENTPs are also idealistic and logical, while ESFPs are practical and empathetic.
ENTP personalities should engage in casual conversations with ESFJs, working to establish and build personal connections.
ESFJs should try to address issues directly and logically around ENTPs.
Resolving Conflict
How can ENTP and ESFP types resolve conflict?
ENTPs and ESFPs tend to address conflict differently; ENTPs prefer to work through issues logically, while ESFPs generally focus on the emotional aspects of a situation. ENTPs should be sensitive to ESFPs’ feelings by addressing issues gently and encouraging ESFPs to share openly, while ESFPs should work to focus carefully on the facts of the situation and avoid overly emotional expressions.
Building Trust
How can ENTP and ESFP types build trust?
The two types can build trust by being sensitive to the needs of the other, despite the fact that they are different from their own.
ENTP types are more likely to be trusting of ESFPs who aren’t so easily offended and can focus on the big picture, when necessary. ESFPs should spend time getting to know ENTPs through new experiences like concerts, shows, or other large events.
ESFP types tend to trust ENTPs who are encouraging and supportive, especially in stressful situations.
ENTP and ESFP types can actually work really well together because of their differences; processing and expressing themselves differently means they are more likely to come up with different ideas and solutions to problems.
ENTPs bring innovative solutions and fact-based decision-making to a work environment, while ESFPs offer practical ideas and empathetic thinking. ENTPs can help ESFPs build thicker skin and express themselves logically, while ESFPs can help ENTPs consider how their actions and decisions affect others.
Dealing with Change
How can ENTP and ESFP types deal with change?
Both ENTPs and ESFPs tend to be flexible and adjust well to new situations. They appreciate beneficial change in the day-to-day routine, thriving in moments that require them to think on their feet.
Managing Stress
ENTP and ESFP types need to seek to understand what brings stress to the other type and should try to avoid causing it when possible.
ENTP types are easily stressed by...
Time spent alone or in silence
Highly structured environments and routines
Engaging in intensive emotional conversations
Jobs or careers that lack creative thinking
ESFP types are easily stressed by...
Pointless routines or tasks
Uneventful points in their social lives
Disapproval or rejection from others
Overly analytical or fact-based jobs
ENTPs should avoid being overly critical of ESFPs, while ESFPs should avoid focusing too closely on specifics around ENTPs.
Encouraging and Motivating
ENTP and ESFP types can encourage and motivate each other in their personal and professional lives.
ENTP types are motivated by...
Parties or larger gatherings of people
Considering complex problems and ideas
Creating original, exciting plans
Engaging with other quick-witted people
ESFP types are motivated by...
Building connections with others
Concerts, parties, and other large groups of people
Beautiful spaces and art pieces
Entertaining those around them
ENTPs can motivate ESFPs by sharing frequent encouragements, while ESFPs can motivate ENTPs by engaging in occasional discussion or debate about an important issue.
16-Personality Test
Complete the 16-Personality test below to find your 16-Personality type.