
Learn about 16-Personality types and relationships

16 Personalities
Big Five
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What is an ENTP Personality Type
(The Debater)?
People with an ENTP personality type tend to be expressive, curious, and spontaneous in their behavior. They enjoy debating and thinking about issues from different perspectives. They thrive around people and will almost always engage with those near them.


What is an ESTJ Personality Type
(The Commander)?
People with an ESTJ personality type tend to be organized, loyal, and hard-working. They are good, law-abiding citizens with a desire to lead. They are very principled and thrive when they are helping and encouraging others to follow a set of beliefs and values.


Myers-Briggs ENTP & ESTJ Communication

How can ENTP and ESTJ types communicate effectively with each other?

ENTPs and ESTJs are both Extroverted, Thinking personalities, meaning that they both prefer being around people and expressing themselves logically. They should communicate with each other in a balanced, reasonable way.

ENTPs should address concrete facts with ESTJs, avoiding complex or hypothetical ideas.

ESTJs should try to avoid going too much into the details or specifics of a situation with ENTPs.

Resolving Conflict

Myers-Briggs ENTP & ESTJ Conflict

How can ENTP and ESTJ types resolve conflict?

Both personalities should focus on expressing themselves logically. ENTPs should be considerate of ESTJs’ need to work through one issue at a time, while ESTJs should avoid getting too stuck in the details of a situation around ENTPs.

Building Trust

Myers-Briggs ENTP & ESTJ Trust

How can ENTP and ESTJ types build trust?

ENTPs are likely to trust ESTJs who allow them the freedom to pursue new opportunities. They prefer flexibility to routine and should be given space to work independently from others.

ESTJs are likely to trust ENTPs who are consistent and reliable; ENTPs should share intentional time engaging in thoughtful discussion with ESTJs.

Working Together

Myers-Briggs ENTP & ESTJ Working Together

How can ENTP and ESTJ types work together?

Both ENTPs and ESTJs bring charisma and objective thinking to a workplace. ENTPs also offer creative ideas and adaptability, while ESTJs offer attention to detail and organization. ENTPs can help ESTJs adjust to new or unexpected situations, while ESTJs can help ENTPs set and achieve personal or professional goals.

Dealing with Change

Myers-Briggs ENTP & ESTJ Change

How can ENTP and ESTJ types deal with change?

ESTJ personalities are likely to have difficulty adapting to change, as they are naturally organized and well-scheduled. ENTPs tend to have an easier time and should help by encouraging ESTJs to see the bright side of a new situation.

Managing Stress

ENTP and ESTJ types need to seek to understand what brings stress to the other type and should try to avoid causing it when possible.

Myers-Briggs ENTP & ESTJ Managing Stress

ENTP types are easily stressed by...

  • Time spent alone or in silence
  • Highly structured environments and routines
  • Engaging in intensive emotional conversations
  • Jobs or careers that lack creative thinking
Myers-Briggs ENTP & ESTJ Managing Stress

ESTJ types are easily stressed by...

  • Chaos and disorder in their personal lives
  • Feeling disappointed in others
  • Facing overly emotional situations
  • Experiencing unexpected change

ENTPs should avoid being too spontaneous or unpredictable around ESTJs, while ESTJs should avoid forcing ENTPs to follow a specific routine or schedule.

Encouraging and Motivating

ENTP and ESTJ types can encourage and motivate each other in their personal and professional lives.

Myers-Briggs ENTP & ESTJ Motivations

ENTP types are motivated by...

  • Debates and discussions about an issue
  • Parties or larger gatherings of people
  • Creating original, exciting plans
  • Engaging with other quick-witted people
Myers-Briggs ENTP & ESTJ Motivations

ESTJ types are motivated by...

  • Establishing a consistent routine
  • Feeling organized and orderly
  • Time spent getting to know new people
  • Inspiring leadership and direction

ENTPs can help motivate ESTJs by intentionally making plans with ESTJs, while ESTJs can help motivate ENTPs by giving them space to work at their own pace.

16-Personality Test

Complete the 16-Personality test below to find your 16-Personality type.