People with an ESTJ personality type tend to be organized, loyal, and hard-working in their behavior. They are good, law-abiding citizens with a desire to lead. They are very principled and thrive when they are helping and encouraging others to follow a set of beliefs and values.
What is an ESFP Personality Type
(The Entertainer)?
People with an ESFP personality type tend to be friendly, opportunistic, and supportive in their behavior. They usually go with the flow of things. They love parties and are often the center of attention.
How can ESTJ and ESFP types communicate effectively with each other?
ESTJs and ESFPs are both Extroverted, Sensing personalities, meaning they tend to focus on the present, pay close attention to concrete details, and enjoy spending time with others. However, ESTJs prefer to base decisions on logical thinking and follow set plans, while ESFPs usually process emotionally and make last minute plans. ESTJs should avoid being overly critical of ESFPs by accompanying feedback with encouragement. ESFPs should avoid being overly emotional when discussing an issue with ESTJ by focusing on strictly addressing the facts of the situation.
Resolving Conflict
How can ESTJ and ESFP types resolve conflict?
ESTJs prefer to consider logical arguments, while ESFPs tend to express their feelings. ESTJs should be conscious of ESFPs’ need to open up emotionally by listening intently and remaining patient. ESFPs should recognize ESTJs’ desire to consider rational reasoning by avoiding overly emotional phrasing and working through facts of a situation.
Building Trust
How can ESTJ and ESFP types build trust?
ESTJs are likely to trust ESFPs who are reliable and honor set plans; ESFPs should work to be consistent in their relationships with ESTJs.
ESFPs trust ESTJs who take the time to open up emotionally; ESFPs will feel more connected to ESTJs who are considerate of others’ thoughts and feelings.
ESTJs and ESFPs both bring attentiveness and practical thinking to the workplace. However, ESTJs also offer logical decision-making and organization, while ESFPs offer adaptability and empathy. ESTJs can help ESFPs set and achieve personal goals, while ESFPs can help ESTJs consider how their actions impact others.
Dealing with Change
How can ESTJ and ESFP types deal with change?
ESTJs may have a difficult time adjusting to unexpected change, as it tends to interrupt to their plans. ESFPs usually enjoy new experiences and adapt easily to new circumstances. ESFPs should help ESTJs consider the beneficial aspects change.
Managing Stress
ESTJ and ESFP types need to seek to understand what brings stress to the other type and should try to avoid causing it when possible.
ESTJ types are easily stressed by...
Inconsistent relationships with others
Emotional or vulnerable situations
Disappointments from other people
Unfamiliar experiences and unexpected change
ESFP types are easily stressed by...
Pointless routines or tasks
Uneventful points in their social lives
Disapproval or rejection from others
Overly analytical or fact-based jobs
ESTJs should avoid criticizing ESFPs actions or pushing them to commit to inflexible plans.
ESFPs should try to express themselves logically and honor their commitments with ESTJs.
Encouraging and Motivating
ESTJ and ESFP types can encourage and motivate each other in their personal and professional lives.
ESTJ types are motivated by...
Organization and structure in their personal life
Time spent with the people they love
Strong and admirable leadership
Establishing a routine or tradition
ESFP types are motivated by...
Building connections with others
Concerts, parties, and other large groups of people
Beautiful spaces and art pieces
Entertaining those around them
ESTJs can motivate ESFPs by sharing appreciation for their contributions and positive attitude.
ESFPs can motivate ESTJs by communicating with reason and staying relatively organized in their workspace.
16-Personality Test
Complete the 16-Personality test below to find your 16-Personality type.