
Learn about 16-Personality types and relationships

16 Personalities
Big Five
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What is an INFJ Personality Type
(The Advisor)?
People with an INFJ personality type tend to be determined, reserved, and altruistic in their behavior. They are idealists and are passionate about making the world a better place. They enjoy close relationships with a few people, but usually prefer working alone.


What is an ENTJ Personality Type
(The Visionary)?
People with an ENTJ personality type tend to be charismatic, direct, and logical in their behavior. They tend to avoid displays of emotion and may be perceived as cold in certain situations. They enjoy taking charge, working to achieve goals, and encouraging growth from those around them.


Myers-Briggs INFJ & ENTJ Communication

How can INFJ and ENTJ types communicate effectively with each other?

INFJs and ENTJs are both Intuitive, Judging personalities, generally meaning they are creative and organized; however, INFJs are also introverted and empathetic, while ENTJs prefer to express themselves logically and spend time around others.

INFJs need to avoid overly emotional phrasing and express themselves more logically around ENTJs.

ENTJs should remain patient and empathetic toward INFJs, offering them space to be alone, when needed.

Resolving Conflict

Myers-Briggs INFJ & ENTJ Conflict

How can INFJ and ENTJ types resolve conflict?

INFJs tend to have a more difficult time addressing conflict than ENTJs. ENTJs should be understanding and patient, giving INFJs the support to feel safe to express themselves. INFJs should try to be direct and honest about their perspective when communicating with ENTJs.

Building Trust

Myers-Briggs INFJ & ENTJ Trust

How can INFJ and ENTJ types build trust?

INFJs are likely to trust ENTJs who show empathy and can attentively listen to others, while ENTJs will grow to trust INFJs who learn to share their thoughts more directly.

Working Together

Myers-Briggs INFJ & ENTJ Working Together

How can INFJ and ENTJ types work together?

Both INFJs and ENTJs bring creative solutions and organization to a work environment.

INFJs also offer conscientiousness to a workplace. INFJs can help ENTJs consider the impact their decisions may have on others.

ENTJs offer balanced, logical thinking. They can teach INFJs how to clearly and openly express their thoughts around others.

Dealing with Change

Myers-Briggs INFJ & ENTJ Change

How can INFJ and ENTJ types deal with change?

Because they like to follow schedules and plans, INFJs and ENTJs may have a difficult time adapting to change. They should try to focus on the benefits of change and create a new way to achieve their goals.

Managing Stress

INFJ and ENTJ types need to seek to understand what brings stress to the other type and should try to avoid causing it when possible.

Myers-Briggs INFJ & ENTJ Managing Stress

INFJ types are easily stressed by...

  • Addressing conflict with other people
  • Being unable to express themselves
  • Criticism from those they care about
  • Disappointment and personal failure
Myers-Briggs INFJ & ENTJ Managing Stress

ENTJ types are easily stressed by...

  • Others inaction in times of conflict
  • Being emotionally vulnerable around others
  • Chaotic and unpredictable environments
  • Spending too much time by themselves

INFJs should avoid pushing ENTJs to open up emotionally, while ENTJs should offer INFJs space to be alone and recharge.

Encouraging and Motivating

INFJ and ENTJ types can encourage and motivate each other in their personal and professional lives.

Myers-Briggs INFJ & ENTJ Motivations

INFJ types are motivated by...

  • Emotional connections with others
  • Spending time alone to relax
  • Planning for the future
  • Setting and achieving goals
Myers-Briggs INFJ & ENTJ Motivations

ENTJ types are motivated by...

  • Parties or larger gatherings of people
  • Taking ownership of their results
  • Finding new ways to solve a complex problem
  • Structure and organization in a work environment

INFJs can help motivate ENTJs by recognizing their contributions to the team, while ENTJs can encourage INFJs by allowing them to be emotionally vulnerable.

16-Personality Test

Complete the 16-Personality test below to find your 16-Personality type.