
Learn about 16-Personality types and relationships

16 Personalities
Big Five
Free Personality Test


What is an INTP Personality Type
(The Thinker)?
People with an INTP personality type tend to be extremely analytical, objective, and logical in their behavior. They love exploring new theories and ideas, which means they’re often responsible for amazing discoveries in their field of choice. They are likely to approach interactions with others in a logical way, rather than relying on emotion.


What is an ISTP Personality Type
(The Detective)?
People with an ISTP personality type tend to be curious, pragmatic, and confident in their behavior. They are unpredictable and spontaneous, but are often quiet, preferring to think and process information internally.


Myers-Briggs INTP & ISTP Communication

How can INTP and ISTP types communicate effectively with each other?

INTPs and ISTPs are both Introverted, Thinking, and Perceiving personalities, preferring to keep to themselves, prioritize logical thinking, and avoid restrictive scheduling. Because both are confident and level-headed, they should feel free to express themselves clearly and directly. INTPs should avoid conceptual expressions, while ISTPs should generally avoid being too focused on the details of a situation around INTPs.

Resolving Conflict

Myers-Briggs INTP & ISTP Conflict

How can INTP and ISTP types resolve conflict?

INTPs and ISTPs should be direct in addressing conflict. ISTPs need to solve a problem by working through the facts of a situation, so INTPs need to be patient and allow ISTPs to focus on the present. ISTPs should allow INTPs to share potential solutions to the problem, working alongside them to find a mutually beneficial resolution.

Building Trust

Myers-Briggs INTP & ISTP Trust

How can INTP and ISTP types build trust?

INTPs will grow to trust ISTPs who will listen to and encourage their creative ideas. ISTPs should appreciate INTPs’ innovative solutions.

ISTPs are likely to trust INTPs who can think practically and can be present in conversations. INTPs should try to focus on the here-and-now to relate more to ISTPs.

Working Together

Myers-Briggs INTP & ISTP Working Together

How can INTP and ISTP types work together?

ISTPs and INTPs are very similar, which can help them better understand one another. Though they are Introverted, they should be careful to remember the importance of working with others on occasion.

Their differences can also help them be a more well-rounded team. ISTPs can help INTPs focus more on present experiences or facts, while INTPs can help ISTPs think about new ideas for the future.

Dealing with Change

Myers-Briggs INTP & ISTP Change

How can INTP and ISTP types deal with change?

As Perceiving personalities, INTPs and ISTPs are generally able to adapt easily to change. They are flexible and easygoing people who are excited by new experiences. As long as their communication is clear, they will continue to work well together.

Managing Stress

INTP and ISTP types need to seek to understand what brings stress to the other type and should try to avoid causing it when possible.

Myers-Briggs INTP & ISTP Managing Stress

INTP types are easily stressed by...

  • Meeting or getting to know new people
  • Following rules and processes
  • Focusing strictly on the present
  • Being emotionally vulnerable around others
Myers-Briggs INTP & ISTP Managing Stress

ISTP types are easily stressed by...

  • Spending time in large crowds
  • Thinking conceptually and abstractly
  • Expressing themselves emotionally
  • Feeling controlled by and bound to schedules

INTPs should avoid expressing themselves with hypotheticals, opting instead to use real examples around ISTPs.

ISTPs should avoid pushing INTPs to be more concrete; ISTPs should remember to appreciate the creative thinking of INTPs.

Encouraging and Motivating

INTP and ISTP types can encourage and motivate each other in their personal and professional lives.

Myers-Briggs INTP & ISTP Motivations

INTP types are motivated by...

  • Making last minute plans
  • Exploring new and interesting ideas
  • Spending time alone to recharge
  • Thinking through and creatively solving a problem


Myers-Briggs INTP & ISTP Motivations

ISTP types are motivated by...

  • Comforting routines and habits
  • Making quick, logical decisions
  • Time alone to reconnect with themselves
  • Understanding how machines work

INTPs can encourage ISTPs by expressing gratitude for their practical thinking.

ISTPs can help motivate INTPs by encouraging them to use their gift of intuition in problem-solving.

16-Personality Test

Complete the 16-Personality test below to find your 16-Personality type.

Select the circle closest to the statement that is most like you.
Makes lists
Relies on memory