ESFP Work Style

The Entertainer Type

16 Personalities
Big Five
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How ESFP personality types like to work

Every personality has a different way of working and communicating with others. When you’re working with ESFPs, it’s important to give them plenty of personal freedom. They may feel frustrated by overly direct phrasing or micromanaging. By learning how to communicate effectively with them in the workplace, you’re more likely to see ESFPs at their best.

Myers-Briggs ESFP Communicating

Communicating with an ESFP personality type

When talking to an ESFP, try to get to know them on a personal level. Ask questions about their life outside of work and share personal stories yourself. Build connections with ESFPs by communicating frequently, even in brief conversations, when possible.

Myers-Briggs ESFP Meeting

Meeting with an ESFP personality type

Include small-talk and casual conversation in meetings with ESFPs. Give them plenty of time to engage with what you share so they are able to better understand it. Lay out the details of the meeting’s purpose with clarity.

Myers-Briggs ESFP Emailing

Emailing an ESFP personality type

Make sure to keep emails light-hearted and simple; avoid being overly direct or critical in written form. If you need to share something more serious, it’s important to communicate the details in person.

Myers-Briggs ESFP Feedback

Giving feedback to an ESFP personality type

Frame feedback in a positive, constructive way. Acknowledge what they’re doing well in addition to what could be improved. Give them a chance to talk and process out loud.

Myers-Briggs ESFP Conflict

Resolving conflict with an ESFP personality type

ESFPs may feel very uncomfortable when working through conflict. Try to remain calm and empathetic; avoid being critical of any emotions they may show. Work to gently communicate your perspective and encourage ESFP types to share how they are feeling.

When you make an effort to communicate with ESFPs in a way that they like, you can build a better relationship, empathize with their perspective, and establish needed trust. Making simple adjustments to your communication style can mean a world of difference to understanding and working alongside each other.

16-Personality is a personality framework that can help you understand other people and why they behave in certain ways.
Explore the 16 personality types here:

Are you an ESFP? Take the 16-Personality test to see

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