Although ESTPs have many wonderful skills and strengths that can benefit everyone around them, they also have blind spots that can negatively impact them. If ESTPs don’t learn to manage or overcome potential areas of weakness, their strengths may be overshadowed and their positive impact dampened.
ESTPs may have a hard time following orders. They tend to be independent, free-spirited people and may dislike strict demands or expectations. If following rules is important for their job and serves a more important purpose, they can learn to abide by them. However, it’s important that ESTPs still have plenty of autonomy and freedom.
They may also be impulsive, at times, which might shock or frustrate those around them. Though ESTPs can make logical, objective decisions, they have a tendency to choose quickly, which can potentially cause issues. If ESTPs take the time to process their choices before committing, they are likely to make more accurate, thoughtful decisions.
ESTPs may overlook others’ sensitivities. At times, they can be pretty blunt, which may accidentally hurt someone’s feelings. However, they can learn to be more conscious of how their words are affecting others and make adjustments accordingly.
They tend to have a difficult time focusing on the big picture. ESTPs tend to be in touch with the details but may overlook the overall scope of a project. They are likely to work best in areas that allow them to focus on practical implementation, while someone else is able to keep track of the broader end goal.
When ESTPs make the effort to recognize and overcome their blind spots, they can take steps toward self-improvement. Implementing small changes one at a time can lead to major growth and long-term development.