ISTJs tend to be rational, objective thinkers. Because of this, they tend to enjoy working alongside people who are able to patiently and logically resolve issues. ISTJs also value coworkers who communicate their thoughts clearly and directly, rather than withholding certain opinions for fear of offending them. Because they tend to be upfront themselves, ISTJs tend to appreciate when their colleagues can take feedback well, since ISTJs are likely to offer it.
ISTJs tend to be rule sticklers, which may frustrate coworkers who need them to be more flexible or open-minded. They tend to also be relatively detached from their emotions, which can be especially apparent when they need to deliver bad news. They’re likely to come across as harsh or uncaring when in reality, they are just approaching the situation very objectively. As ISTJs become overwhelmed, they may become overly critical or judgemental of others. In those moments, they should step away and take time to themselves to recharge.
ISTJs tend to be very straightforward with their partners, which means their partner won’t need to wonder if something is wrong - ISTJs will let them know if there is. It also meant that conflict can be resolved more efficiently and effectively. When it’s necessary, conflict can help a relationship grow, which is part of the reason that ISTJs can comfortably address issues. They understand that the longer the problems go undiscussed, the bigger they can grow, so they tend to do what they can to resolve things quickly and in a reasonably objective way.
Because ISTJs tend to see things objectively, they may have a difficult time remaining empathetic to their partner’s perspective. They may also make decisions based solely on logic, rather than taking the time to consider how it may emotionally affect their partner. ISTJs tend to keep their own feelings to themselves, which can frustrate a partner who seeks more emotional intimacy. However, if they practice being patient, listening to how their partner feels, and seeing the situation from their point of view, ISTJs can learn to actively show more love and consideration to their partner.