ISTJ Stress

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ISTJ Stress

When people experience pain, stress, or dissatisfaction, it can usually be attributed to energy-draining activities. Therefore, it’s important to know what kinds of activities drain each personality type.

Myers-Briggs ISTJ Stress

ISTJ personality types tend to be stressed and drained by...

  • Lack of structure in a work environment
  • Large groups of other people
  • Expressing personal feelings to others
  • Maneuvering interpersonal conflict

ISTJs are likely to feel frustrated if their work environment lacks structure or consistency. They value professionalism and organization. They may not enjoy working in a place that doesn’t also appreciate setting schedules, rules, or processes in place.

They tend to feel overwhelmed by large groups of people. ISTJs value their private time and are likely to feel crowded or stressed in a space with too many people. It’s important that ISTJs are able to do most of their work independently from others. However, when they need to work with others or present information, ISTJs should take their time preparing.

ISTJs may feel drained when they need to express themselves emotionally. They are naturally logical thinkers who might not be as in touch with their own emotions as others. Being vulnerable may stress them out. They need to learn to be more open, especially with their closest friends or family, in order to properly process their feelings.

They are likely to have a hard time navigating interpersonal conflict, as well. Though they don’t shy away from conflict, they may be too direct for some people. If they are overly forward, they might end up worsening the problem. In order to resolve tensions properly, ISTJs will need to learn to be more patient and gentle when discussing tough issues.

When ISTJs face stressful or draining tasks, they may shut down in other aspects of life. While we all have to face stress at different points in life, there are plenty of times where it can be avoided. In the case of an ISTJ, they should try to engage with things that keep them motivated and energized, like spending time alone and setting important goals. Avoiding tasks that place unnecessary strain on them, openly addressing stress, and doing what excites them will help prevent frustration and exhaustion for ISTJs.

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