Every personality archetype has strengths and blind spots, and these are often amplified in professional settings where we often encounter a diverse group of people with vastly different backgrounds and value systems.
INFPs have many skills that can make a major difference to those around them. Their compassionate nature can help them use their natural strengths to benefit themselves and others. Likely, INFPs’ close friends and family appreciate the ways in which they use their gifts to impact other people, which may often help contribute to INFPs’ long-lasting relationships.
Because they are so thoughtful and caring, INFPs are often able to see things from another point of view. Their flexibility and big-picture focus helps them keep an open-mind to others’ perspectives, which means that much of the time, they make decisions with diplomacy and conscientiousness.
Their natural empathy and intuition also helps them really understand both their own emotions and others’. They are likely to pay most attention to how people will be impacted emotionally by a decision, rather than how they may be affected practically or logistically.
INFPs tend to be naturally independent thinkers; they like to take their time to think through a problem before jumping to any conclusions. They also have a very creative, conceptual way of processing the world, which helps them come up with unique solutions to complex or complicated problems.
Since they often prefer to keep to themselves, the people that INFPs do choose to surround themselves with tend to be valued tremendously. INFPs show an incredible amount of dedication to their friends and family. They are very likely to stick with the same small group of close friends and family for a long time, if not for most of their lives.
INFPs have a deeply-rooted passion for taking care of others; they have a serving attitude and love to help other people in any way they can. Their helpful nature is likely to lead others to trust and rely on them in many ways, whether it’s their ability to listen attentively or their actionable help.
All in all, INFPs truly are natural empaths. They are attentive, kind, and considerate, which helps them see the world from many different viewpoints. Though they may grow and evolve they will likely always use their talents to improve the lives of their friends, family, and the greater community.