INTJ Work Style

The Intellectual Type

16 Personalities
Big Five
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How INTJ personality types like to work

Every personality has a different way of working and communicating with others. When you’re working with INTJs, it’s important to give them plenty of space to work independently. As natural introverts, they tend to enjoy working in privacy and processing their thoughts internally. By learning how to communicate with them in the workplace, you’re more likely to see INTJs at their best.

Myers-Briggs INTJ Communicating

Communicating with an INTJ personality type

INTJs are naturally reserved and logical. Rather than dragging out the conversation by bringing up the details, focus on discussing the bigger picture. Keep the conversation focused on one point and avoid bringing in unnecessary small talk.

Myers-Briggs INTJ Meeting

Meeting with an INTJ personality type

Recognize that interactions can be draining for the INTJ—they’d often prefer to communicate in written form rather than face-to-face. Try to be direct and concise. Avoid pulling them out of their comfort zone for longer than necessary. When possible, just discuss something via email.

Myers-Briggs INTJ Emailing

Emailing an INTJ personality type

When emailing INTJs, feel free to skip pleasantries and directly address the need. Getting to the root of the problem and resolving it quickly is important to INTJs. Don’t drag the conversation out more than necessary. Be honest and forthcoming, without being overly emotional.

Myers-Briggs INTJ Feedback

Giving feedback to an INTJ personality type

Keep any feedback clear and logical for INTJs. Don’t beat around the bush or emotionally deliver feedback. INTJs can handle, and often even value, constructive criticism.

Myers-Briggs INTJ Conflict

Resolving conflict with an INTJ personality type

INTJs are often able to remain logical and calm when working through conflict. Focus on clearly addressing the root of the problem, from your perspective, while avoiding overly emotional language. Work through the problem analytically and step by step to find the best possible solution.

When you make an effort to communicate with INTJs in a way that they like, you can build a better relationship, empathize with their perspective, and establish needed trust. Making simple adjustments to your communication style can mean a world of difference to understanding and working alongside each other.

16-Personality is a personality framework that can help you understand other people and why they behave in certain ways.
Explore the 16 personality types here:

Are you an INTJ? Take the 16-Personality test to see

Complete the 16-Personality test below to find your 16-Personality type

Select the circle closest to the statement that is most like you.
Makes lists
Relies on memory