When people experience pain, stress, or dissatisfaction, it can usually be attributed to energy-draining activities. Therefore, it’s important to know what kinds of activities energize each personality type and which activities drain them.
ENTJs may feel stressed when they have to work in isolation for an extended period of time. They thrive around people and tend to feel drained when they are unable to engage with others. Though they can learn to adapt to time alone, it’s important that ENTJs find an outlet for their extroversion. If they are unable to work closely with people at work, they should join a group outside of their job that allows them to connect with others.
They are likely to dislike opening up emotionally with others. ENTJs tend to keep their emotions to themselves, which may lead them to unhealthily bottle up their feelings. They should work to understand the value in sharing how they feel, especially with close friends and family.
ENTJs may feel drained if others fail to take action when it’s needed. Because they tend to be very decistive and active, ENTJs tend to expect the same from other people. However, it’s important that they communicate their expectations and engage in a dialogue with others before becoming upset.
They tend to grow frustrated with people who are unable to make or follow through on firm decisions. ENTJs should understand that others may view things differently and adjusting goals isn’t always a bad thing. However, ENTJs may also be a positive influence on people who have a difficult time following through.
When ENTJs face stressful or draining tasks, they may shut down in other aspects of life. While we all have to face stress at different points in life, there are plenty of times where it can be avoided. In the case of an ENTJ, they should try to engage with things that keep them motivated and energized, like working toward personal goals and engaging with other people. Avoiding tasks that place unnecessary strain on them, openly addressing stress, and doing what excites them will help prevent frustration and exhaustion for ENTJs.