Celine Dion
Celine Dion constantly shows determination to follow her own path. She works hard at what she does and advocates for herself when challenged by others. In recent years, her strength and resilience have shown in how she handles grief, particularly when faced with the loss of both her husband and her brother.
Sarah Silverman
Sarah Silverman isn’t afraid to address what others find uncomfortable. She’s blunt, at times, and loves engaging in debate. In the past, she has even openly addressed controversies on air, comfortable enough to hash it out with an audience.
Amy Poehler
Amy Poehler has little issue saying or writing what she is thinking. She makes good use of her innate honesty, creativity, and comfort around people by helping to write and act in shows and sketches that call out important problems in a funny way.
Catherine the Great
Catherine the Great is known for being a strong, powerful ruler of Russia. She valued hard work and logic over emotion and was able to become the longest ruling female leader of Russia by putting in the work to win others over and stand her ground.
Megan Mullally
Megan Mullally is known for her honest sense of humor - she calls out the things she sees. She often uses her skills in charisma and openness to connect with and entertain others.
Salma Hayek
Salma Hayek confidently asserts her opinions in the public eye, landing her breakout role in Desperado after producers saw her on a talk show and admired how intelligent and opinionated she was. When she has faced scrutiny, she has stood her ground and continued to be witty, confident, and candid.
Tom Hanks
Tom Hanks has been an outspoken activist, especially in recent years. He’s clear about his beliefs, without worrying about how others may take it. He loves meeting new people and his charm shows through in both his roles and interviews.
Conan O'Brien
Conan O’Brien isn’t afraid to offend people; he cracks edgy jokes, calls out politicians, and advocates for his beliefs. His ENTP ability to connect quickly with new people while using humor to entertain those around him has become the basis for his late-night show career.
David Copperfield
The first billionaire magician David Copperfield has set the bar high. His ability to think through incredibly complex problems and think up big, magical solutions have made his illusions so grand that he continues to be the highest earning magician of all time.
Sacha Baron Cohen
Known for the satirical characters he uses to bait people into making fools of themselves, Sacha Baron Cohen makes great use of his creativity and ability to wind people up on camera for shows that function to both entertain audiences and call out problematic behavior. Although his actions have frustrated many in the past, namely those who have been caught on camera, he continues to use his personality to make powerfully funny TV shows and movies.
Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson
Dwayne Johnson is very candid about his opinions, lifestyle choices, and more. His natural charisma and creativity shines through in his movies and interviews.
Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali was bold and powerful; though he was known for being a fighter physically, he was also a determined philanthropist and advocate for change. He spoke with political leaders, foreign powers, and the public about what he believed. His confidence, charm, adaptability and creativity made him the powerhouse he was.