When people are energized, driven, and focused, it can usually be attributed to energy-driving behaviors. Therefore, it’s important to know what kinds of activities motivate each personality type.
ENTPs tend to be energized by debates and discussions with other people. Their natural energy and extroversion lends to their comfort with conversation. They love the push-and-pull of a lively debate, especially when the other person is as energetic and passionate as themselves. Through discussion, they have a chance to test their ideas, consider another perspective, and use their natural logic to their advantage.
Their extroversion also helps ENTPs thrive at big parties or events where they can connect with lots of people. Concerts, social gatherings, and conferences all tend to excite and energize ENTPs. At big events, they are able to meet people with similar interests, build connections, and exchange ideas, all of which tend to be things they enjoy.
Thinking through complicated problems, even ones that are more abstract and theoretical, is often thrilling for ENTPs, who love having the chance to explore new ways of seeing things. ENTPs may find excitement in hypotheticals, which often give them the opportunity to imagine scenarios and come up with innovative, clever ideas.
When ENTPs do choose to come up with a plan, often at the last minute, they want to make sure it’s exciting and creative. They are motivated by coming up with something so interesting and appealing that everyone else will want to be a part of it.
ENTPs also love getting to establish a rapport and edgy banter with other witty, bold people. Their love of discussion and people means that quick quips and remarks from others will likely energize and motivate them.
Engaging in exciting, motivating tasks will help ENTPs feel happier and work more productively. They’ll have the opportunity to both actively engage with their work and use their strengths to their benefit, which may help them stick with a position long term.