Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse was a sensitive artist with a desire for creative outlet and personal privacy. She was naturally motivated and goal-oriented, which likely contributed to much of her success as a singer and songwriter.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt was naturally reserved and empathetic. She used her strengths to help others, even before she was the First Lady. She kept her plans organized and made a major difference in the culture of the U.S., speaking up about important issues like racism, despite her naturally private demeanor.
Kate Winslet
Kate Winslet is a creative, motivated actress with a passion for helping others. Though she has a successful career as an actress, she prefers to keep to herself in her free time. She focuses her spare time on her family and humanitarian work.
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga is goal-oriented, reserved, and deeply creative. She spends her time and energy expressing herself through music and performance, despite the fact that she prefers to keep to herself.
Marie Kondo
Marie Kondo is warm, quiet, and organized. She used her creative thinking to come up with easier, more effective ways of keeping people organized, which ultimately led to her sudden success.
Sylvia Plath
Sylvia Plath was a sensitive, private writer with the ability to creatively express her deep thoughts and feelings through her writing. Despite her struggles, she prioritized the people she loved and valued them above everything else.
Nicole Kidman
Nicole Kidman is a naturally reserved, warm personality, who expresses herself creatively through the characters she plays. She loves helping others through her philanthropic work and is often spending her free time connecting with her closest friends and family.
Morgan Freeman
Morgan Freeman is naturally empathetic and creative, often expressing both of these qualities in his acting. He is well-organized and often prefers to follow a consistent, reliable routine.
Tom Selleck
Tom Selleck is an organized, goal-oriented creative with a passion for supporting causes he cares most about. He tends to keep his personal life to himself, despite having a career that places him in the public eye.
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela used his voice to speak out against important issues, despite being naturally reserved. He empathized with people and brought about major positive change in South Africa, after years of fighting against racism.
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter is a caring, empathetic personality who used his connections to found a non-profit organization called the Carter Center, which he even won a Nobel Peace Prize for in 2002.
Jamie Foxx
Jamie Foxx is naturally private, creative, and deeply motivated. He sets big goals and makes the effort to follow through and achieve them.
Daniel Day-Lewis
Daniel Day-Lewis is a very reserved actor, who keeps his personal life very private. He is creative and passionate about his work, often investing incredibly deeply in each character he plays.
Adam Sandler
Despite playing some extroverted, irresponsible characters, Adam Sandler actually tends to be fairly reserved and organized. He opts to keep his personal life out of the spotlight and is naturally very empathetic and driven.