INFJ Relationships

The Advisor Type

16 Personalities
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INFJ Relationships (Professional)

INFJs offer a strong sense of empathy and drive. They can help others understand the importance of contributing to making the world a better place.

Myers-Briggs INFJ Working With

INFJ personality types tend to work well with others who...

  • Take the time to get to know them outside of work
  • Make an effort to help those around them
  • Value consistency and predictability

INFJs love getting to know their coworkers. Though they enjoy working independently, they enjoy establishing connections with others over time, and would likely thrive with people who are also looking to build relationships with those around them. INFJs also need consistency from a workplace to help them feel secure and comfortable.

When others on their team are able to get to know them, connect outside of work, and be consistent or reliable, INFJs are likely to feel safe and confident, which will help them be more effective at work.

Myers-Briggs INFJ Professional Obstacles

INFJ personality types may hit obstacles in professional relationships when they...

  • Feel hurt or rejected by others
  • Struggle to deliver necessary feedback or criticism
  • Believe others are going against their values

INFJs tend to take rejection personally. They want to feel valued by others and may feel frustrated when other people don’t seem to like them. INFJs’ coworkers should try to help them feel warm and welcome.

They may struggle to give important feedback to others, simply out of a fear of conflict. However, once they understand the importance of being more direct with their coworkers, INFJs are likely to overcome this issue.

INFJs may also feel frustrated when other people go against their values. INFJs have a strong moral compass that influences their decisions, so they don’t tend to appreciate when other people compromise their values.

INFJ Relationships (Romantic)

INFJs can be attentive, helpful partners who know how to make others feel better. They are passionate about positive improvement and can help their partners work to achieve their goals. INFJs care deeply about their partner and are often willing to make important sacrifices to grow in their relationship.

Myers-Briggs INFJ Romantic Strengths

In a romantic relationship, Advisor personality types bring strengths like...

  • Open, honest commitment to their partner
  • Optimistic, motivated attitude
  • Ability to listen empathetically and open-mindedly

INFJs tend to be completely committed to their partner. They are likely to put the other person first and consistently work toward growth in their relationships. They are positive, driven partners who are open to other points of view and able to remain empathetic most of the time. 

INFJs are likely to thrive in relationships where their partner is putting in an equal amount of effort. They tend to look for partners who are motivated, trustworthy, and encouraging. They want to feel fully loved and accepted as they are in a relationship and are unlikely to give up on their partner.

Myers-Briggs INFJ Romantic Troubles

In romantic relationships, Advisor personality types may have trouble...

  • Addressing and working through conflict
  • Openly sharing negative emotions
  • Accepting bad news or criticism

INFJs tend to have a difficult time discussing conflict. They may keep negative feelings to themselves to avoid tense conversations. However, INFJs should recognize the importance of talking through issues, rather than keeping them bottled up. 

INFJs may also have problems accepting feedback. They may view it as being overly critical, which may lead them to feel frustrated or upset, even if the feedback was delivered in a loving way. However, with a bit of work, INFJs can learn to see the importance of constructive feedback.

16-Personality is a personality framework that can help you understand other people and why they behave in certain ways.
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Makes lists
Relies on memory