INFJ Weaknesses

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INFJ Weaknesses

Although INFJs have many wonderful skills and strengths that can benefit everyone around them, they also have blind spots that can negatively impact them. If INFJs don’t learn to manage or overcome potential areas of weakness, their strengths may be overshadowed and their positive impact dampened.

Myers-Briggs INFJ Weaknesses

Weaknesses that are typically associated with the INFJ personality type include...

  • Tendency to be easily offended or upset
  • Perfectionist ideals that can create unrealistic expectations
  • Difficulty facing and resolving conflict
  • Deeply private attitude and demeanor
  • Struggling to compromise when it relates to their values

Because INFJs are naturally feeling-oriented, they tend to be more emotionally sensitive than more detached, logical types. However, they can learn to not take things personally by recognizing the difference between feedback and meanness, and understanding that they have the power to choose how each comment affects them.

They may also feel disappointed when things don’t live up to their high expectations. They’re naturally very idealistic, which may lead them to expect things to turn out much better than they often do. With experience and personal growth, though, INFJs will likely understand the danger in this perspective and overcome the disappointment from unrealistic expectations.

INFJs tend to be very uncomfortable with conflict and may even avoid it rather than face it head-on. However, it’s important that INFJs learn to be more direct when facing a problem with someone else, so that they can resolve the issue before it develops further.

Their reserved nature can lead them to keep a lot to themselves. Though they enjoy getting to know others, they are more likely to listen, rather than share, which may involve them bottling up important information. INFJs should try to be more open with friends and family; they need to communicate when something is bothering them.

They tend to stand firm in their values, which means that even when they may be wrong, INFJs have a very hard time compromising or letting go. In order to combat this blindspot, INFJs should remain open-minded to different suggestions, understanding that theirs might not always be the best.

When INFJs make the effort to recognize and overcome their blind spots, they can take steps toward self-improvement. Implementing small changes, one at a time, can lead to major growth and long-term development.

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