When people experience pain, stress, or dissatisfaction, it can usually be attributed to energy-draining activities. Therefore, it’s important to know what kinds of activities drain each personality type.
INFJs tend to be especially drained by conflict with others. They’re likely to avoid tension as much as they can, which may lead them to withhold information due to a fear of causing conflict. However, INFJs should recognize the importance of working through issues sooner, rather than later, so they can comfortably share what’s bothering them.
They find crowded gatherings and meeting lots of new people to be stressful. INFJs are naturally reserved, so they tend to avoid the overstimulation that can come with crowds. Though they can manage on occasion, it’s best for them to avoid regularly going to big, populated events.
Thinking about the details doesn’t come naturally to INFJs, who tend to be more comfortable looking at the big picture. Having to focus on the specifics is likely to be draining for them. However, if they’re able to write details down, so they’re able to refer back to notes when they need to remember something small but important, they’re likely to feel much more comfortable and confident.
INFJs tend to take personal failure very hard. It’s likely to be taxing on them both emotionally and physically. When they’re able to recognize their own abilities enough to learn from their mistakes, INFJs can get back up and continually pursue their goals.
They may be more sensitive to criticism than most, since their empathetic spirit often leaves them more vulnerable to what others think about them. However, if they work to be aware of this and are able to develop confidence in their own abilities, they will learn to see the value in feedback without taking it personally.
When INFJs face stressful or draining tasks, they may shut down in other aspects of life. While we all have to face stress at different points in life, there are plenty of times where it can be avoided. In the case of an INFJ, they should try to engage with things that keep them motivated and energized, like working independently and following a set schedule. Avoiding tasks that place unnecessary strain on them, openly addressing stress, and doing what excites them will help prevent frustration and exhaustion for INFJs.