ESFJ Examples

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ESFJ Females

Women with the ESFJ personality type

ESFJ females tend to be practical, warm people, who love to connect with others. They are likely to seek consistency and stability through energizing routines. They value their relationships with others and tend to prioritize emotion and empathy over blind logic. Their friendly, welcoming demeanor is likely to make them fairly popular and well-liked by others.

ESFJ Females

Famous ESFJ Females


Beyonce is confident, energetic, and goal-oriented. She loves meeting new people and performing for large crowds. She is unafraid to show her personality and loves connecting with others through music. 

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey is a generous, organized woman who uses her skills in communication and compassion to meet and educate new people. She shows tremendous empathy for those she meets and is able to patiently listen to new perspectives.

Dolly Parton

Dolly Parton is a helpful, welcoming singer whose charm and care for others has helped her find a permanent place in country music fame. 

Ellen Degeneres

Ellen Degeneres likes to entertain others through funny, lighthearted performances. She shows great kindness and care in her shows, but has achieved huge milestones due to her deeply-rooted ambition.

Nora Ephron

Nora Ephron was a sensitive, compassionate, organized person who used her skills in writing to create deeply compelling, long-lasting movies. She loved making new friends and showed tremendous loyalty to the actors she loved by repeatedly casting them in her movies.

Susan Lucci

Susan Lucci is an outgoing, energetic actress who’s known for using her fame to advocate for change and serve others.

ESFJ Males

Men with the ESFJ personality type

ESFJ males tend to be considerate, supportive social butterflies, who are likely to invest heavily in the lives of others. They may value emotion over logic when making decisions, often trying to make choices that will have the least negative emotional impact on other people. They tend to dislike conflict and may become overly agreeable to avoid tension. While certain people may criticize them for being more emotionally-driven, their innate empathy helps them make thoughtful, conscientious decisions.

ESFJ Males

Famous ESFJ Males

Joe Biden

Joe Biden is warm, social, and detail-oriented. He tends to put a lot of thought into his decisions and prefers to work toward larger goals, rather than making things up as he goes.

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton is a charismatic, talkative person with a passion for working toward his ambitions. He likes meeting new people and connecting on a more personal level.

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was a focused, compassionate person who used his people skills and determination to work toward a greater cause.

Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey is a chatty, ambitious entertainer who makes others feel welcome on any of his shows. His larger than life personality and quick-witted sense of humor has helped him achieve his goals and succeed in the entertainment business.

Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman is warm, attentive, and caring. He loves to put on a good show and uses his talents to connect to a wider audience. He shows empathy and love for his fans while helping to advocate for causes close to his heart.

Larry King

Larry King is a goal-oriented, driven person who shows empathy for others and is able to attend to the details of a story.

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