ESFJ Weaknesses

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ESFJ Weaknesses

Although ESFJs have many wonderful skills and strengths that can benefit everyone around them, they also have blind spots that can negatively impact them. If ESFJs don’t learn to manage or overcome potential areas of weakness, their strengths may be overshadowed and their positive impact dampened.

Myers-Briggs ESFJ Weaknesses

Weaknesses that are typically associated with the ESFJ personality type include...

  • A strong desire to avoid conflict
  • Easily thrown off balance by emotionally charged situations
  • Struggling to give negative feedback
  • Avoiding making decisions that may be unpopular.

ESFJs tend to naturally avoid conflict which may cause them to withhold their opinion. They don’t like upsetting other people, so they tend to keep unpopular thoughts to themselves. However, if those around them are able to create a safe, comfortable environment for ESFJs to share, they’re likely to feel more comfortable opening up.

They are easily thrown off by emotionally charged situations since they have a difficult time staying objective. ESFJs show a great deal of empathy for others and can feel emotions deeply, so they may have a hard time processing unexpected intense situations. However, if they are able to practice taking a moment to step back, and breathe, they can learn to process it more effectively, without letting their emotions overwhelm them.

ESFJs may struggle to give negative feedback to others. They don’t like the idea of potentially upsetting or offending someone else, especially through criticism. However, there is an important value to honestly sharing feedback with someone else. ESFJs should try to view the situation as a teaching opportunity, rather than one for criticism.

They tend to avoid making decisions that might be unpopular. ESFJs need to trust in their own judgment and firmly commit to their decisions. It’s important that they avoid placing too much weight on what others might think.

When ESFJs make the effort to recognize and overcome their blind spots, they can take steps toward self-improvement. Implementing small changes one at a time can lead to major growth and long-term development.

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