ESFJ Motivations

The Provider Type

16 Personalities
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ESFJ Motivations

When people are energized, driven, and focused, it can usually be attributed to energy-driving behaviors. Therefore, it’s important to know what kinds of activities motivate each personality type.

Myers-Briggs ESFJ Motivations

ESFJ personality types tend to be motivated and energized by...

  • Teaching, coaching, and advising other people
  • Organizing events, plans, and meetings
  • Building long-term trust and loyalty with consistent, predictable behavior
  • Paying attention to the needs and concerns of other people
  • Solving problems with diplomacy and openness.

ESFJs tend to be excited by working closely with and advising other people. They are skilled teachers who enjoy the process of helping others reach their full potential.

They are naturally organized and thrive when they’re able to host events. They enjoy organizing and planning important projects, especially if they know other people will benefit from their work. As natural entertainers, ESFJs also enjoy leading the event themselves and would likely enjoy the chance to host their own parties on a regular basis.

ESFJs enjoy building trust and loyalty with others. Since they’re very social, open people, meeting new people and making new friends tends to come naturally to them. ESFJs love to prove their reliability and earn others’ trust through consistent behavior.

They love helping other people feel better. They are naturally aware of what the people around them need and using this knowledge to help people is important to ESFJs. When ESFJs feel as though they were able to improve someone else’s life, they are likely to feel happy and energized.

ESFJs are likely to be excited by opportunities to patiently listen to different perspectives before coming to a decision. Because they tend to seek a solution that will help everyone, ESFJs often take their time to think, rather than jumping to a conclusion. They want to ensure that their decision was compassionate and not cold.

When ESFJs are able to engage in energizing tasks, they’ll feel happier and more productive. They’ll be able to put their abilities to good use and enjoy the work they’re doing, which will likely improve their overall engagement in a work environment.

16-Personality is a personality framework that can help you understand other people and why they behave in certain ways.
Explore the 16 personality types here:

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